Validation Through Classical Allusion: Creative Referencing As A Social Vector of Validity in Classical Chinese Medical Texts | iHSES

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Validation Through Classical Allusion: Creative Referencing As A Social Vector of Validity in Classical Chinese Medical Texts


Assist. Prof. Dr. Steve Jackowicz, University of Bridgeport, United States of America


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) enjoys a long history of continuous practice. In the modern day, it has undergone rigorous testing to show medical efficacy. However, in the pre-modern period, the social forces that shaped Chinese culture carried a great influence into the validity metric of TCM. This paper examines the underlying social vectors, which supported a corpus of textual material, which was considered inviolate and canonical. Further, the canonical tradition developed several behavior patterns of self-validation. Unlike the modern approach of innovation and testing which allows results to drive acceptance and validity, the TCM approach of the classical period relied on validation through classical allusion; new ideas needed to be draped in overture to older canonical sources to be considered meaningful. However, the medical necessity to advance interventions to presenting conditions created a subtle social dynamic in the medical community of creative interpretation to clothe the new in reference to the old. This social vector continued through the majority of the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine and continues to have some subtle influence even in the modern day.


medical sociology, chinese medicine, medical anthropology, cultural history, medical history  


Jackowicz, S. (2021). Validation Through Classical Allusion: Creative Referencing As A Social Vector of Validity in Classical Chinese Medical Texts. In R. Thripp & I. Sahin (Eds.), Proceedings of iHSES 2021--International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (pp. 185-192). Monument, CO, USA: ISTES Organization. Retrieved 20 April 2024 from


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